Lilly Rogers

Lilly Rogers
I am excited to be back at Battle Academy. This will be my 10th year teaching. I have taught pre-k special education, kindergarten, first, and second grade. I graduated from the University of Alabama and am getting my master's Lipscomb University.

 My husband, Will, and I live here in the Southside. We have 2 dogs: Theo and Winston. I come from a large blended family with 4 brothers and 5 sisters. In my free time, I love baking, biking, watercolor painting, caring for house plants, and listening to audiobooks. I also love travelling and exploring new places.
 In my classroom, I strive to work with students and families to create a community that values diversity, equity, creativity, and the individuality of each person. My goal is to make every student feel valued, excited to learn, and confident in themselves. I know we are going to make incredible memories in first grade!

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